2024 in numbers


is how many times a basket of shop items has been scanned and paid for in all shops this year. That’s an average of nearly 8,000 transactions every day.


is the number of transactions made by travellers from the United States. That’s more than any other nationality!


is the total number of different nationalities that have purchased something in any of the shops this year. In other words, we’re known across the entire world.

10 to 12pm

is the time that your guests prefer to visit the shop for a late-night snack, drink or a toothbrush. Outside regular bar and restaurant opening hours is when it all happens.


is the highest amount that was spent in 1 shop on one day. It must have been a great New Years eve party in London.


is the biggest number of items that were purchased by a single guest in 1 shop transaction. And just to be clear, it wasn’t all beers and savoury snacks ;-)


is the highest number of sweet snacks that were sold in 1 shop across the year. Apparently, travellers in Amsterdam like something sweet during their stay.

500 ml

is the preferred volume of a cold drink purchased by the guests in your hotel. Water is by far the best-selling drink, closely followed by, who else, Coca Cola.

One of the crucial criteria for success of our retail formula for hotels is the use of real-time data. It helps us to accurately predict what we need to stock and when we need to stock it. By combining our data insights with the power of AI, we’re able to give you the best hotel lobby shop experience in the world.

If you’re curious to know how your shop has performed this year, just open the Shop Owners Portal. We’ve put together a summary of your 2024 numbers there.